Sponsor-A-Student image


You can make a difference. We rely on generous supporters like you to make an impact. Your donation is tax-deductible and helps us help others to create a brighter and more sustainable future for Uganda! "WEBALE ENO," THANK YOU!

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We partner with parents and 40+ Ugandan schools to make education possible for children who would otherwise find it difficult, if not impossible. Families are required to pay a portion of their student's tuition and are responsible for becoming more involved in their education through participation in school-sponsored parent meetings organized by S.O.U.L.

We have sponsored over 700+ students since 2009! Roughly 60% of our sponsored students are girls, who are disproportionately denied access to an education. Additionally, over 80% of our primary students continue to the secondary level (equivalent to the 9th grade in the United States) in comparison to the country average of 20%. However, the number of students we can sponsor directly depends on how many sponsors we have, and we have a waiting list of over 35 students!

As of February 2024, please note that in order to meet the full educational needs of our students in Uganda, the sponsorship donation amounts have changed.

Student Sponsorship Levels

Primary (Elementary) Level Sponsors
  • Lake Bunyonyi Club: $25/month

Secondary (Middle/High School) Level Sponsors

  • Lake Kyoga Club: $35/month
Vocational (Associate's Degree) Level Sponsors
  • Lake Mburo Bronze Club: $100/month
  • Lake Mburo Silver Club: $125/month
  • Lake Mburo Gold Club: $150/ month
  • Lake Mburo Platinum Club: $175/month
University (Bachelor's Degree) Level Sponsors
  • Lake Katwe Bronze Club: $200/month
  • Lake Katwe Silver Club: $300/month
  • Lake Katwe Gold Club: $400month
  • Lake Katwe Platinum Club: $500/month

Uganda's landscape is dotted with over 160 lakes, including fresh water lakes, crater lakes, and salt lakes.

VISIT UGANDA TODAY and experience its beauty!